Thursday, December 22, 2011

ANGEL BRUCE - Soul Purpose ~ Team Elite Essence MANAGING ASSOCIATE of the MONTH!!!

As a Soul Purpose Diamond Executive, I get to work with wonderful Leaders throughout the United States.  It's a TEEam Leader's dream to find local women & men to partner up with too! 

When Cathy Chase recruited her sister, Angel Bruce to join our Baltimore-area TEEam... Angel was already known as the "Party Queen"... she just added Soul Purpose to her themed "Girls Night Out" parties and quickly became our TEEam's TOP Sales Person.  Angel quickly promoted through the compensation plan in November 2011 by hosting weekly holiday parties at her home and by hosting multiple "Virtual Parties" online. 
Angel is my "Secret Agent".  She's full of ideas & themes and she quickly goes into Action by sharing Soul Purpose with everyone she knows and everyone she meets.

I'm Proud to announce that ANGEL BRUCE is our TEEam's Managing Associate of the Month for December 2011!!!! 

Here's an Interview I did with Angel... Take a look and contact her directly if you would like more information about Soul Purpose LifeStyle Company or If you would like to host Angel's next Party!!

When did you start your Soul Purpose business?
October 20, 2010

Why did you choose Soul Purpose?
I loved the products and the compensation plan, but most importantly I LOVE to party. The fact that I can have parties and make money at the same time was my selling factor! 

What keeps you motivated?
My children are my motivation. Soul Purpose provides me with extra money that allows me to do fun activities with my girls.

What advice would you give to new direct sales Entrepreneurs?
Find your niche and stick to it! It’s good to want to be like the person at the top, but everything doesn’t work for everybody. Whatever works for you, make it work for you... 

What is your website address?

Who would you like to “Bond” with on Team Elite Essence?
I feel that it would be good to bond with the entire team. Over the years, I have found that working alongside people who share your same vision can be very beneficial. Everyone can come to the table offering their ideas and opinions and as a whole we can all grow in our businesses. TEEam work makes the dream work ;)

Is there anything else you would like to share about Soul Purpose?
I love the fact that Soul Purpose allows me to have fun with my business.

What do you do for fun, when you’re not “finding your Soul Purpose”?
I like to party! That being said, I am always finding “my soul purpose”. I am the “Party Queen”. I look for any reason to have a party. At any event I host, you can be sure to find a table filled with Soul Purpose products.

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